Thursday, March 26, 2009

Balkan Billy Bragg

This is a classroom performance at Duke by Ferhat Tunç, bağlama, recorded and posted with his permission. Nuray Ahmed plays guitar. An English translation of the lyrics is included below.

No To War from Santa Salsera on Vimeo.

Noble mountains and plains
Burn and turn into ashes
Let not children grow up
In the midst of blood and gunpowder

Let not passions be stained by blood
Let not human beings be murdered
Mothers, mothers
Let not mothers cry
Hearts, hearts
O let not hearts cry

No to war
No to death
Let there be peace
Let there be brotherhood

Enough for blood
Stand for peace
From the mountains and plains
Each soul must rush to hope

Enough for oppression
People must laugh from now on
Mothers, mothers
Let not mothers cry
Hearts, hearts
O let not hearts burn

No to war
No to death
Let there be peace
Let there be brotherhood

--"No To War," lyrics and music by Ferhat Tunç

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